Chocolatedot Tonkinese
Our Current Kittens
I am a very hands on owner for the whole process. I truly feel that if a kitten is handled right from the moment it comes out, if you help to sever the cord and burst the sack it is used to human interaction right from the word go.
I have been present at and helped all my litters except two. KitKat had a lot of trouble birthing her 2 last litters, one she got too tired and ran out of puff so Simon had to take her to the vet for a shot and assisted birth, this resulted in only one huge male kitten, Born alive and now thriving in Moscow and her final litter, she also ran out of puff and needed help but this time resulted in a C section. Other then that I have been here for every single birth. No two are the same, Feeble likes me to rub her feet in between pushes and when she bears down, she likes me to hold them so she can push better. Misty is so very lazy and does nothing herself except push them out, she leaves it all to myself and Feeble to cut cords, dry them and sort out the placentas! Cats are funny creatures, each has their own likes and dislikes during the process and I am privileged that my girls have always trusted me enough to be able to help them through this tough time.
We have Kittens available from Mollie. We have 5 total but one girl will be staying here to become our new breeding queen, this means a year from now we can have 2 litters in tandem.
I have had many enquiries for Ocicat kittens in the past 2 years. Our last Ocicat litter was in 2008, so we haven't been breeding them for a very long time now.
If you are interested in a Tonk kitten, do still let me know. There may be other breeders I know of who have kittens due or ready soon and can pass on your enquiry to them. Or maybe those already on the waiting list choose to wait again for a different litter when we see what comes out.